Release notes for Preside 10.27


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-3034 datamanager info col: deal with null return from custom field renderers


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-3022 Missing pure index on version table id column can lead to slow versioning queries
PRESIDECMS-3026 Adhoc tasks: background threads should appear as though web owner is a logged in user


Minor enhancements

PRESIDECMS-2943 objectDataTable footerWrapWithRow option to just have tfoot
PRESIDECMS-2997 Enhanced datamanager view: option to display info cols as a definition list
PRESIDECMS-2998 Datamanager: modal view record from data grid
PRESIDECMS-2999 Admin util: auto limit height of content with read more/less button
PRESIDECMS-3002 Support admin data table listing row cell alignment


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-3007 EnhancedDataManager tabTitle nested translateResource has default not defaultValue
PRESIDECMS-2794 A way to handle 2FA auth status check on dynamic IP


The 10.27.30 hotfix addresses an issue for "admin only" applications that disable various feature flags to have only the Preside admin interface. See release notes for details.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-3006 Admin only app: admin user management not available


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2853 Page showing has draft but no changes were detected while publish a page after quick edit the page
PRESIDECMS-2931 Error when manage filters for rule engine condition object
PRESIDECMS-3000 Enhanced dm view: tab icon takes space when no icon for tab
PRESIDECMS-3001 SelectDataView relationships failing in queries when deep-linked


Bug fix

PRESIDECMS-2987 listSites() filter should allow for nulls (fixes regression in previous release)


New features

PRESIDECMS-2960 Data manager sort records buttons customisation

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2971 Hide Admin Navigation Menu Item When No Sub-Menu Items Are Attached



Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2962 Very big version numbers: versioned editing interface fails to load versions beyond bigint size


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2951 Email reporting: confusion when bounce count \+ delivered count greater than send count
PRESIDECMS-2954 Version number sequence ID field hitting max value


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2953 Browser prefetching action links: leads to the action being performed


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2924 500 error when using selectUnion with savedFilters
PRESIDECMS-2925 Formbuilder post action: Action not triggered with form submission expression used


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2672 Edit admin user email resends welcome email to old address
PRESIDECMS-2865 Multilingual URLs: building links to a page in another site is using the current sites multilingual settings
PRESIDECMS-2898 Amend default content of admin welcome email
PRESIDECMS-2921 Formbuilder form Post Action Admin email
PRESIDECMS-2930 500 error: Submitting formbuilder form with content embedded
PRESIDECMS-2936 OneToManyConfigurator field ignore cloneable


The 10.27.8 hotfix addresses a quartet of unrelated bugs. See release notes for details.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2913 Not able to export rules/filter within the Rules Engine
PRESIDECMS-2935 500 error when page type is not found
PRESIDECMS-2938 StackOverflow error when generating asset derivative
PRESIDECMS-2939 Disable formatOutput option to stop unwanted HTML formatting in antiSamy


The 10.27.7 hotfix address a pair of bugs and brings 4 minor enhancements to the platform. See release notes for details

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2920 Text property match expression with space not returning expected result
PRESIDECMS-2929 Context permissions check: fails when websiteUserBenefits feature is disabled


PRESIDECMS-2903 Specify column labels on objectDatatable
PRESIDECMS-2922 Add build date to Preside version info
PRESIDECMS-2927 increase the height of the task log window
PRESIDECMS-2928 Add interception points for EmailTemplateService parameters and preview parameters


Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2916 Cannot add a formbuilder question once a section has been added


The 10.27.5 hotfix addresses three inrelated issues. See release notes for details.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2915 The expression UserIsLoggedIn could not be found
PRESIDECMS-2917 Skip password check in edit admin profile if field does not exist
PRESIDECMS-2793 Tags in editor breaking widget views


The 10.27.4 hotfix addresses a minor issue with opening links from an email preview, and adds a created column to the email datagrid. See release notes for details.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2914 Add created column to Emails and Newsletter list
PRESIDECMS-2817 Unable to open links in email preview page


The 10.27.3 hotfix addresses a minor issue with the default email template. See release notes for details.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2909 "c" character introduced to top of default HTML email layout view
PRESIDECMS-2912 Build process not setting build date


The 10.27.2 hotfix addresses a quartet of unrelated issues. See release notes for details.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2771 Incorrect textarea character count in admin
PRESIDECMS-2905 Url input: 500 error when saved protocol is in uppercased
PRESIDECMS-2907 Some functions in presideProxies need feature-checking


PRESIDECMS-2904 Add protection for temporary database connection issues


The 10.27.1 hotfix addresses an issue introcued with 10.27 that effects applications running with CMS features enabled and the websiteUsers feature disabled.

Bug fixes

PRESIDECMS-2902 CMS but no website users: various issues with preside "zero"


The 10.27 release is here! The 10.27 release is largely focused on some more agressive feature flagging within the core of Preside, helping to create more lean deployments for applications not using the full feature set.

Related documentation for changes:

New features and improvements

PRESIDECMS-2766 HasAnyCmsPermissions helper
PRESIDECMS-2844 Header visibility of environment
PRESIDECMS-2854 Have Ability for Preside to run with bare minimum constituents
PRESIDECMS-2859 Default sort of website users by Last Active date
PRESIDECMS-2860 Sort screen in data manager should use labelrenderer
PRESIDECMS-2867 Features: have dependent features
PRESIDECMS-2869 Application extensions
PRESIDECMS-2884 Top right button menus: allow disabled items and children of children
PRESIDECMS-2897 Enhanced DM Views: core implementation of audit trail tab for a record