04 Dec 2020
Upgrade notes
We are pleased to report that there are no compatibility concerns with upgrading from 10.12.0! Full upgrade notes can be found here: https://beta-docs.preside.org/upgradenotes/10-13.html
New features and improvements
[PRESIDECMS-1260] - Add concept of developer supplied preside object value generators
[PRESIDECMS-1854] - Admin i18n.js file: create separate URLs per language in use
[PRESIDECMS-1883] - Cloning of rules engine conditions and filters
[PRESIDECMS-1932] - Object picker search should select from multiple columns
[PRESIDECMS-1933] - Time pickers: do not default to the current time. Default to midnight.
[PRESIDECMS-1937] - New left right multi select panel form control
[PRESIDECMS-1955] - Add integer and float renderers that use .properties file for formatting
[PRESIDECMS-1956] - Dialog: Create a new confirmation dialog with matching text
[PRESIDECMS-1958] - Remodel form builder to use a re-usable set of questions and normalized answer storage
[PRESIDECMS-1959] - Add missing: "get quick add/edit formname" customizations for datamanager
[PRESIDECMS-1978] - Table filters: allow personal filters and user group filters
[PRESIDECMS-1979] - Core ignore extensions list
[PRESIDECMS-1980] - Make superQuickAdd work with filterBy/filterByFields
[PRESIDECMS-1982] - System settings: add more tenanting options
[PRESIDECMS-1985] - Include webp files in asset manager
[PRESIDECMS-1988] - Magic rule expression _time should allow for date-only comparisons (i.e. no time picker)
[PRESIDECMS-1989] - Add referrer policy attribute option for link picker and tel option for Protocal
[PRESIDECMS-1992] - Lucee spreadsheet upgrade
[PRESIDECMS-1996] - Ability to exclude rules from filter/condition builder on adhoc basis
[PRESIDECMS-2001] - improve language for many-to-many relationship filter expressions
[PRESIDECMS-2008] - Better presentation of nested dialogs
[PRESIDECMS-2009] - Auto rules engine filters for relationships: use property name to describe relationship rather than target object
Bug fixes
[PRESIDECMS-1987] - Form builder send email post action: fails with 500 when the chosen email template is still a draft
[PRESIDECMS-2010] - References to fontawesome 4 in code when using 5
[PRESIDECMS-2012] - Full page cache disk store: can error when attempting to create directory and already exists
[PRESIDECMS-2013] - Unconfigured fields in rules expressions/filters: lead to 500 errors
[PRESIDECMS-2016] - Saved filters field not showing when editing existing saved export record