Bugfix PRESIDECMS-2566: checking your tasks
Check your project for problems
You can run the following SQL against your project's database to see whether or not you are effected by this issue:
select event, count(1) as n
from psys_taskmanager_adhoc_task
where next_attempt_date is null
and status = 'pending'
and DateDiff( datecreated, Now() ) < 0
group by event order by n desc
If you get back an empty result set, then you have no issues to resolve. You may get a resultset looking something like this:
event |n |
admin.systemAlerts.runCheckInBackgroundThread | 33|
In which case you have some work to do..
Resolve issues
We have deliberately not dealt with this issue automatically by re-running tasks in order to not suddenly overwhelm your applications with a queue of tasks that may have significant impact. For each of your "failed-to-start" tasks, you need to decide:
- Can I just delete it and ignore it? (great for trivial tasks)
- Can I just queue it for running at the earliest opportunity?
In deciding on this, you may require inspecting individual tasks if they are particularly critical. There is an event_args json field on the psys_taskmanager_adhoc_task table with the custom data for the task that may aid you with the decision.
Deleting trivial tasks
The tasks in the example above are all trivial. We would/could delete them with:
delete from psys_taskmanager_adhoc_task
where next_attempt_date is null
and status = 'pending'
and DateDiff( datecreated, Now() ) < 0
and event in ( 'crmMergeCandidates._checkForMergeCandidatesOnUpdate', 'crmMergeCandidates._checkForMergeCandidatesOnInsert' , 'admin.systemAlerts.runCheckInBackgroundThread');
Requeuing non-trivial tasks
To queue a task for running at the next opportunity:
update psys_taskmanager_adhoc_task
set next_attempt_date = Now()
where next_attempt_date is null
and status = 'pending'
and DateDiff( datecreated, Now() ) < 0
and event = 'my.important.event'