How to get a page scope when you don't have one
Sometimes you're generating an output on a website with some other workflow than the default page rendering. For example, if you're working with custom routes in your application to translate URLs like to show the content of a record.
So you're translating the URL, run into the handler, set a view and a layout and you get a full rendered page. Fine.
But: What if some functionality requires data of a page object, like the breadcrumbs or the _pageMetaForHtmlHead.cfm or _openGraphMeta.cfm? You don't have a page scope.
The answer is: Initialize a dummy Preside sitetree page.
In your handler, you can do this:
event.initializeDummyPresideSiteTreePage( parent_page = IDofParentPage (e.g. your news listing page) , title = newsObj.title , slug = newsObj.slug , main_image = newsObj.image , teaser = newsObj.teaser , description = newsObj.description .... << any other fieds that would normally come from page object, e.g. metadata fields );
The function creates a page-scope in the request for you and you can access the fields of the page as you are used to do it in the page-type views.
This is very helpful, if you want to set for example the meta information for SEO, etc. which is based on the data of a sitetree page.